If you want to feel a real sense of belonging in the AA community, or need to get out of your own stuff, here are some current service opportunities and the people you need to contact to volunteer:
- VOLUNTEERS FOR CENTRAL OFFICE NEEDED! Please call 423-499-6003 or email vc@chattanooga-aa.com for details!
- Gratitude Times: Share your Experience, Strength and Hope: Please send your short stories, funnies overheard at meetings, or articles to the editor at gratitude@chattanooga-aa.com.
For a digital subscription (email delivery), email gratitude@chattanooga-aa.com and ask to be put on the distribution list. Paper copies are only $10/year. Stop in to Central Office and fill out a subscription form.
- If interested in becoming involved with one of the Standing Committees, contact your DCM or Central Office for ways to volunteer.
- Standing Committees Include (some may be combined):
- Archives – Chair Vacant
- Cooperation With the Professional Community – Chair Linda W cpc_pi@chattanooga-aa.com
- Corrections – Chair Russ S corrections@chattanooga-aa.com
- Grapevine – Chair Mike S grapevine@chattanooga-aa.com
- Events – Chair Angie M events@chattanooga-aa.com
- Technology – Chair Alex B tech@chattanooga-aa.com
- Treatment – Chair Jessica B treatment@chattanooga-aa.com
- Accessibilities- Vacant access@chattanooga-aa.com